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Beware of the Accrual regime

Are you married by Ante-Nuptial Contract with the Accrual Regime applicable? In this case BEWARE the unintended consequences of failing to apply your mind to how you want to leave your estate.

Lets look at a little example of what COULD happen if you don’t give very clear instructions to the person drafting your will.
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Is your home in danger of being forfeit to the state?

Do you have a Company or Close Corporation? Is it still registered or has it been deregistered? Thousands of Companies and Close Corporations will be automatically deregistered at the end of March 2013.

If your company or close corporation has been deregistered this has fairly disastrous consequences for you if your home or the building from which you work is an asset in that legal entity. It now belongs to the State!
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Do you live with someone in a cohabitative relationship? What are your rights? Are you entitled to support?

Many people think that there is a so called “common law marriage” that magically comes into being after a certain period of time whether it is three months or three years. Nothing could be further from the truth. You need to know your rights in this regard.
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So you want to buy a house

So, you have decided to buy a house! Whoopeedo! Your trials and tribulations are just about to begin.

Unless you are incredibly lucky or are endowed with vast sums of money you will have to consider a number of aspects.

The old adage of location, location, location cannot be stressed enough. A smaller house in a good area is always going to appreciate quicker than a big house in a not so good area. So consider your options.
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Ten Estate Planning Tips

  1. Review or Update your will
  2. Review beneficiaries
  3. Trusts for Minor children
  4. Appointing guardians for minor children
  5. Records and files
  6. Donations
  7. Estate taxes
  8. Estate Liquidity
  9. Offshore assets
  10. The Living Will Society
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Land restitution option removed from Green Paper

The Land and Agricultural Reform Green Paper released for public comment has taken away the state's option of reviving the land restitution process - but suggests the need to review security of tenure and land ownership in tribal and communal areas, says a Business Day analysis.
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